The Intersection of Personal Finance and Medicine

Learn How to Save on Your Medicine!

Our goal is simple: to teach you how save money and take control of your healthcare costs.

How We Help

The pharmacy system in the U.S. is confusing, but we’ll show you how to make sense of it. We can teach you how to find better prices and save money on your prescriptions. Some of the tricky terms you might hear include:

  • Deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and max out of pocket
  • Prior authorizations (PAs), appeals, and assistance programs
  • Coupons, copay cards, rebates, and cash discounts

We explain all of this in a way that’s easy to understand and link to our favorite resources, so you can get the best deal.

Explore Our Tools

We’ve organized our website to give you the help you need. Here’s what you’ll find:

Rx Savings Academy

Learn how to save on your medicines.
We explain how the system works and share ways to lower your costs.


Find programs and tools that save you money.
Check out our list of helpful links to programs and services that can help.

Health and Fitness

Healthy living tips for a better life.
Learn easy ways to improve your health with simple lifestyle changes.

Personal Finance

Save and earn more to afford your medicines.
We’ll teach you how to manage your money and find new ways to save.

Ready to Start Saving?

Take charge of your prescription costs today! Whether you want to learn how the system works, find savings, or get personal advice, we’re here for you.

[Explore Our Tools]

Buy My Courses

Rx Savings Academy

Personal Finance Basics